- Helsel, B. C., Foster, R., Sherman, J., Ptomey, L. T., Montgomery, R. N., Washburn, R. A., & Donnelly, J. E. (2022). A Remotely Delivered Yoga Intervention for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Feasibility and Effectiveness for Improving Skills Related to Physical Activity. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 10.1007/s10803-022-05702-z. Advance online publication.
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- Rancaño, K. M., Bandini, L. G., Curtin, C., Eliasziw, M., Odoms-Young, A., & Must, A. (2021). Gender and racial/ethnic differences in food selectivity in children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities : JARID, 34(6), 1511–1520.
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- Bandini, L. G., Eliasziw, M., Dittrich, G. A., Curtin, C., Maslin, M., Must, A., Boutelle, K. N., & Fleming, R. K. (2021). A family-based weight loss randomized controlled trial for youth with intellectual disabilities. Pediatric obesity, 16(11), e12816.
- Bowling, A. B., Slavet, J., Hendrick, C., Beyl, R., Nauta, P., Augustyn, M., Mbamalu, M., Curtin, C., Bandini, L., Must, A., & Staiano, A. E. (2021). The Adaptive GameSquad Xbox-Based Physical Activity and Health Coaching Intervention for Youth With Neurodevelopmental and Psychiatric Diagnoses: Pilot Feasibility Study. JMIR formative research, 5(5), e24566.
- Schmidt, EM, Hoffman, JA, Mulé, C, Brisch, A. (2021) Effects of a teacher training program to promote physically active play among preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of School Psychology, 85, 57-79.
- Ptomey, LT, Willis, EA, Reitmeier, K, Dreyer Gillette, ML, Sherman, JR, Sullivan, DK. (2021). Comparison of energy intake assessed by image-assisted food records to doubly labelled water in adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities: a feasibility study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 65(4), 340-347.
- Schenkelberg MA, McIver KL, Brown WH, Pate RR. Preschool Environmental Influences on Physical Activity in Children with Disabilities [published online ahead of print, 2020 Aug 4]. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
- Curtin, C., Hyman, S.L., Boas, D., Hassink, S., Broder-Fingert, S., Ptomey, L.T., Dryer, M., Fleming, R.K., Must, A., Bandini, L.G. (2020) Weight management in primary care for children with autism: review and expert recommendations, Pediatrics (Supplement): S126-S139
- Folta, S., Curtin, C., Must, A., Pehrson, A., Ryan, K., Bandini, L. (2020) Impact of Selective Eating on Social Domains Among Transition-Age Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-11
- Walls, M., Curtin, C., Phillips, S., Eliasziw,M., Jackel, C., Must, A., Bandini, L.G., Broder-Fingert, S. (2020) Developmental and behavioral pediatricians’ diagnosis and management of overweight and obesity in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics 41(4): 258-264.
- Matheson, B. E., Drahota, A., & Boutelle, K. N. (2019). A pilot study investigating the feasibility and acceptability of a parent-only behavioral weight-loss treatment for children with autism spectrum disorder.Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 49(11), 4488-4497.
- Forseth B, Papanek PE, Bandini L, Schoeller D, Moosreiner A, Sawin KJ, Zvara K, Fendrich M, Polfuss M. Feasibility and acceptability of a self-report activity diary in families of children with and without special needs. Comprehensive child and adolescent nursing. 2019 Jun 16:1
- Amo‐Setién F, Abajas‐Bustillo R, Sarabia‐Cobo C, Parás‐Bravo P, Leal‐Costa C, Redondo‐Figuero C, Bandini L. Prevalence and factors associated with overweight and obesity among Spanish students attending special education schools. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 2019 Nov 7. doi: 10.1111/jar.12679. [Epub ahead of print]
- Stanish, H.I., Curtin, C., Must, A., Phillips, S., Maslin, M., Bandini, L.G. (2019) Does physical activity differ between youth with and without intellectual disabilities? Disability and Health Journal
- Bandini, L. G., Curtin, C., Eliasziw, M., Phillips, S., Jay, L., Maslin, M., & Must, A. (2019). Food selectivity in a diverse sample of young children with and without intellectual disabilities. Appetite. Feb 1;133:433-440.
- Tybor, D., Eliasziw M, Kral TV, Segal M, Sherwood NE, Sikich L, Stanish H, Bandini, LG; Curtin C, Must A. (2019) Parental concern regarding obesity in children with autism spectrum disorder in the United States: National Survey of Children’s Health. Disability and Health Journal,12 (1); 126-130
- Polfuss M, Sawin KJ, Papanek PE, Bandini L, Forseth B, Moosreiner A, Zvara K, Schoeller DA. Total energy expenditure and body composition of children with developmental disabilities. Disability and Health Journal. 2018 Jul 1;11(3):442-6.
- Weems, M., Truex. L., Scampini, R., Fleming, R.K., Curtin, C., Bandini L.G. (2017) A novel weight loss tool for adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 117(10): 1503-1508.
- Stanish, H.I., Curtin, C., Must, A., Phillips, S. Maslin, M., Bandini, L.G. (2017) Physical activity levels, frequency, and type among adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(3), 785-794.
- Bandini, L.G. Curtin, C. Phillips, S., Anderson, S.E., Maslin, M., Must, A. (2017) Changes in food selectivity in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 47(2), 439-446
- Ptomey LT, Willis EA, Greene JL, et al. The Feasibility of Group Video Conferencing for Promotion of Physical Activity in Adolescents With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil. 2017;122(6):525-538. doi:10.1352/1944-7558-122.6.525
- Curtin, C., Must, A., Phillips, S., Bandini, L.G. (2017) The Healthy Weight Research Network: a research agenda to promote healthy weight among youth with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities. Pediatric Obesity. Feb;12(1):e6-e9.
- Polfuss, M., Bandini, L.G., Sawin, K.J. (2017) Obesity prevention for individuals with spina bifida. Current Obesity Reports. 6:116-126.
- Must, A., Eliasziw, M., Phillips, S., Curtin, C., Kral, T., Segal, M., Sherwood, N., Stanish, H., Bandini, L.G. (2017)The effect of age on the prevalence of obesity among US youth with autism spectrum disorder. Obesity. Feb;13(1):25-35.
- Segal, M., Eliasziw, M., Bandini, L.. G., Curtin, C., Kral, T., Sherwood, T., Sikich, L., Stanish, H.I., Must, A. (2016) Intellectual disability is associated with increased risk for obesity in a nationally representative sample of U.S. children. Disability and Health Journal. Jul;9(3):392-8.
- Stanish, H.I., Curtin, C., Must, A., Phillips, S. Maslin, M.C.T., Bandini, L.G. (2015) Enjoyment, barriers, and beliefs about physical activity among adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. Oct;32(4):302-17.
- Curtin, C. Hubbard, K., Anderson, S.E., E. Mick, A. Must, L.G., Bandini, L.G. (2015) Food selectivity, mealtime behavior problems, spousal stress, and family food choices in children with and without autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.45(10):3308-15
- Curtin, C., Bandini, L.G., Must, A., Phillips, S. Maslin, M.C.T., Lo, C., Gleason, J.M., Fleming, R.K., Stanish, H.I. (2015) Including youth with intellectual disabilities in health promotion research: development and reliability of a structured interview to assess the correlates of physical activity among youth. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, DOI: 10.1111/jar.12205
- Stanish, H.I., Curtin, C., Must, A., Phillips, S., Maslin, M.C.T., Bandini, L.G. (2015) Physical activity enjoyment, perceived barriers, and beliefs among adolescents with and without intellectual disabilities. Journal of Physical Activity & Health. PMID: 25830443 DOI: 10.1123/jpah.2014-0548
- Must, A., Phillips, S., Curtin, C., Bandini, L.G. (2015) Barriers to physical activity in children ith autism spectrum disorders: relationship to physical activity and screen time. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 12(4):529-534
- Hubbard, K., Anderson, S.E., Curtin, C., Must, A., Bandini, L.G. (2014) A comparison of food refusal related to characteristics of food in children with autism spectrum disorder and typically developing children. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 114(12): 1981-87
- Curtin, C., Jojic, M., Bandini, L.G. (2014) Obesity in children with autism spectrum disorders. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 22(2): 93-103.
- Must, M., Curtin, C., Hubbard, K., Sikich, L. Bedford, J., Bandini, L.G. (2014) Obesity prevention for children with developmental disabilities. Current Obesity Reports, 3:156-170
- Must, A., Phillips, S.M., Curtin, C., Anderson, S.W., Maslin, M., Lividini, K. Bandini, L.G. (2013) Comparison of sedentary behaviors between children with autism spectrum disorders and typically developing children. Autism. DOI 0.1177/1362361313479039
- Curtin, C., Bandini, L.G., Must, A., … Fleming, R.K. (2013) Parent support improves weight loss in adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome. Journal of Pediatrics, 163(5): 1402-1408
- Curtin, C., Mick, E., Pagoto, S. (2013) The association between ADHD and eating disorders/pathology in adolescents: a systematic review. Open Journal of Epidemiology, 3(4): 193-202.